Luca Bandirali (PhD) is a researcher in Cinema Photography Television at the Cultural Heritage Department of the Università del Salento. He collaborates with the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia (Conservation and Management of Audio-Visual Heritage course). He was author and conductor of the radio broadcasts Hollywood Party and Wikiradioon Rai Radio 3 from 2005 to 2020. He is founder member of the Centro di Ricerca Interdipartimentale in Digital Humanities at the Università del Salento. He was the manager of the Media Studies branch of the Scuola di Placetelling of the Università del Salento.
His research interests involve cinema philosophy, cinema and television aesthetics, cinema and television seriality geocrtiticism, theory of cinematographic acoustic field.He published for academic journals including ‘Comunicazioni sociali’, ‘Cinergie’, ‘Imago’, ‘Fata morgana’, ‘L’avventura’, ‘Mediascapes’, ‘Arabeschi’, ‘H-ermes’, ‘Lingue e linguaggi’, ‘Scritture migranti’, ‘Geotema’, ‘Quaderni del CSCI’; he collaborates with the digital journal ‘Fata Morgana Web’, with the magazine ‘Lingua Italiana’ of Istituto Treccani, with the journal ‘Bianco e Nero’. Among his published books there are: Musica per l’immagine (2002); Mario Nascimbene compositore per il cinema (2005); Musica/regìa (2008); Concept TV. An Aesthetics of TV Series (2021), Medium loci. Spazio, ambiente e paesaggio nella narrazione audiovisiva (2022).