CNN on May 6, 2014 wrote about Alessandro Quarta: “Musical Genius, Composer, Violin Virtuoso”. On 30 November 2017 he received, at the Palazzo Montecitorio in Rome in the Sala della Regina, the Award “Best Italian Excellence in the World” for the Music section. From 2005 to 2008 he was Violin and Second Shoulder of the Symphonica Toscanini orchestra, permanent conductor Lorin Maazel, performing in the most important theaters in the world under the direction of Masters L. Maazel, E. Inbal, C. Dutoit, M. Rostropovich, M.W. Chung, G. Pretre, Y. Temirkanov, K.Masur, Z. Metha.Ospite on raiuno for the transmission of Roberto Bolle “Dance with me” for 2 editions: on 1 January 2019 with his “Dorian Gray” obtaining the highest number of shares equal to 5 Million viewers; and in 2022 with his arrangements of Astor Piazzolla “Alma Portena”. In 2019, in Sanremo with Il Volo, he received the Standing Ovation from the Ariston Theatre, the TV and the Press, for his performance and his initial arrangement of the song “Musica che resta” in the in competition. Always live TV has performed in Padua at the Festival Show in front of 40 thousand spectators with its Piazzolla, and on raiuno as International Guest for the Festival of Taranta 2019 in front of 220 thousand spectators present, interpreting 3 pieces of which one written and arranged specifically for the event. It opened and closed the “Stradivari Festival” in Cremona for 2 years, in 2022 presented as world premiere the “Suite Dysturbia” written for 2 violìni specially by Alessandro for the prestigious Festival and performed with his brother Massimo Quarta and in September 2023, always as a world premiere, he presented his latest work “I 5 Elementi” (Terra-Acqua-Aria-Fuoco- Etere), whose final piece “Etere” was chosen by Roberto Bolle for his “sphere” step during his Tours for the show “Bolle & Friends”. He plays an Alessandro Gagliano from 1723 and a Giovan Battista Guadagnini from 1761.